Australia's high male suicide rates provide plenty of cause for alarm and with lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people making up a significant portion of Australian society. According to Rosenstreich for Beyondblue 50% of transsexual people having attempted it at least once in their lives, and many people in the LGBTI community who have attempted suicide haven't "come out of the closet" or revealed their orientation, or gender identity to anyone, and if they have only to very few people.
"Same-sex attracted Australians have up to 14x higher rates of suicide attempts than their heterosexual peers. Rates are 6x higher for same-sex attracted young people."
The LGBTI People - Mental Health & Suicide briefing paper referenced that despite what people may think reasons are for LGBTI people having higher mental ill-health and suicidality, it isn’t due to their sexuality, gender or gender identity, or having to keep it their secret, but more so due to discrimination against them by other people.
“Up to 80% of same-sex attracted and gender questioning young Australians experience public insult, 20% of explicit threats and 18% physical abuse and 26% ‘other’ forms of homophobia (80% of this abuse occurs at school).”
Although it seems most people commonly support the LGBTI community and in support of equality, there are some people, that aren't always seen in the public eye, that do discriminate against, are physically and/or mentally harmful towards them both out in public and in the comfort of their home, another's home or school. The LGBTI People – Mental Health & Suicide briefing paper (2013) referenced a 2011 survey that showed during the 12 months prior to it, the most common types of abuse experienced was non-physical, but included verbal abuse as the most common (25%, as well as harassment, threats of physical violence, and written abuse. This is a key factor in them developing suicidal thoughts or feelings and according to the Rosenstreich for Beyondblue (2013), 20% of trans and 15.7% of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Australia report current suicidal thoughts. While people may not have committed suicided, it isn't uncommon for them to have thoughts were they felt that they were at such a low that they could have made an attempt or still been severely depressed, and something that can be easily prevented.